This is a companion page to the law firm marketing book Courting Your Clients: The Essential Guide to Legal Marketing. Listed below are a number of legal directories to help promote your attorneys and law firm.

The directories listed on this page may not be suitable for your situation. A listing does not constitute an endorsement. Be careful to evaluate each legal directory and choose the one that best meets your specific business development needs. Contact us if you need assistance in the vendor selection, RFP or project management process.

The leading legal directories include:

Additional legal directories include but are not limited to:

If we missed anything, let us know. Additional resources include:

  • State and local bar associations

Need Help with Your Legal Marketing and Business Development?

Margaret Grisdela, Author of Courting Your Clients and Founder of Legal Expert Connections, is available to talk to you about your legal marketing challenges. Call her toll-free number at 561-266-1030 to get some immediate ideas that will help you generate new clients.

Law firm marketing consultant Margaret Grisdela, president of Legal Expert Connections, Inc.

Margaret Grisdela

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